ola k ase

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What is Songadget?

Songadget is an app designed to hone your songwriting skills by presenting you with various sorts of songwriting challenges.

These challenges are called song prompts. A prompt can be lyrical, musical, structural, or thematic. Songadget will generate a prompt at the touch of a button.

These categories can be explored individually or in any combination.

Generate a prompt in the app, and then use it to write a song (outside the app, of course).

Please note Songadget is not generative AI, and does not write content for you. Rather, it is designed to challenge its users.

How You Should Go About It

The goal is to write a song that you are satisfied with under the constraints of the prompt that the app generates for you. Are you happy with what you wrote? Then you're doing it right!

On the subject of vagueness

Say I ask you to "write blue". What the heck does that mean? Well...

If I ask one person, they might assume I mean write something sad, and they might give me a song about a breakup.

But maybe I'll ask another person, and they might think of the ocean, and then write something about sailing.

Always keep in mind Songadget is designed for creativity. When a prompt seems vague, interpret it! And if you have to bend the rules, bend them! Serve the song. You've got this!




Also known as the EZ button. Tourmaline will generate a random prompt for you, drawing from one of four categories (more on those below).


Bumblebee Jasper

Also known as the GO button. Bumblebee Jasper will generate a prompt depending on which categories the user has activated via the category buttons (more on those below).

Category Buttons

The little buttons toggle categories. An active category button will have its light on.

From left to right:


Emerald - toggles the lyrical category.


Sodalite - toggles the musical category.


Moonstone - toggles the structural category.


Rosequartz - toggles the conceptual category.



Everything lyrics. From avoiding letters, to requiring certain words in the song.


Rhythm and harmony. Perfect for shaking up any musical traps and routines you're finding yourself caught in.


All about form and duration.


Focused on theme and approach.